Thank you so much for reading and I just want to say it was really wonderful to be able to interact with many of you because of that. I loved hearing what you were eating and your stories. And thank you for supporting me in doing something new. I'm done writing I think. I just feel like doing other things. If you didn't know I believe I get restless real easy. I'm obviously still going to be cooking, don't worry! I can't help myself. And I will still be having the same food adventures, and if you see me or hear from me, you better believe I'm going to chat your ear off about it. I will tell you one of my favorite summer times is going to the Farmer's market. Any Farmers market any where will do. But I especially love the State Farmers Market right now. I hope you enjoy your summer and all the great food that comes with it! That's my goal, and I think it's a good one.
This is where I'll be.
Bye from blogging! Thanks for everything.
Liza lou