Thursday, April 8, 2010

this week's box

It's been kinda a long week for me. The kind where you notice the minutes in the day. Has it felt the same for you?  Maybe it's been that blanket of pollen and the wait for it's washout.

Aside from making pollen bombs, which I can't give you too much more information about over the blog site, I did something new.

For the past few days, I've been doing my usual, and everyone that saw me would probably agree. But in the midst of my routine, something out of the ordinary happened...

A friend of mine turned me on to this website, US Wellness Meats. Now, if you haven't noticed already by reading my blog, I love meat. And the idea of it arriving as a package just for me...I started clicking away! It started with just a beef stick. It looked way too interesting to pass up. I mean, come on it's like a meat power bar. A meat power bar! But they wouldn't let me check out until my shopping cart had reached 7lbs! So I added a lb of butter and 2 salami sticks. Still not heavy enough. I clicked snacked sticks, and beef bones. And after 6 of those "power bars", I made it!

So this week, I woke up to my alarm, I set my alarm again, I worked, worked, worked, I cooked, cooked, cooked, I weighed out hundreds of things in my head. But none of them were as much accomplished and exciting as the 7lb box of meat that was on my door step Wednesday afternoon.

(this is a reenactment)

Looking back, it stands out greater than those long minutes. Happiness in a box, delivered to me.
Oh and when it arrived, you know I had a bite of everything, minus the bones. But not minus the butter!

What would your happiness in a box, the highlight of a long week, be?


  1. Getting things in the mail is one of my favorite things of all. My mail euphoria usually peaks when a record I've got off ebay f-i-n-a-l-l-y arrives...there is nothing like ripping open that box and running to throw a new-to-you record on the turntable - it totally makes all the other stresses of the day/week/etc. fade for a while. =)

  2. My happiness in a box is a Lobster Gram. Google it. The best gift I've ever gotten. Thanks Tess!
