Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Everything's gonna be alright"

a little snow bear

Pretty cute and appropriate I know, but honestly, I can't say I made him because I really wanted to.  I just had to do something. I didn't make snow cream, for the snow had turned to ice by the time I got home to put out a bowl. And I didn't have the snow clothes or the energy, or the guts, to lay flat on the ground waving my arms and legs back in forth to make a snow angel.

See, it rarely snows here in our little city of oaks, so that every time it does and sticks,  I feel as if it is my responsibility to feel that same excitement that I did as a kid, to take part in as many "snow activities" as the day has time for, and to be ever so amazed and grateful that it is here. The obligation I feel represents one of the things I love most about myself...that I never forget how to act like a kid.

But never as a kid would I have felt the snow was an inconvenience. And aside from the fact that I caught a few flakes on my  tongue, had the quick thrill of a sled ride on a baking pan no bigger than the size of my butt, I acted my age this snow fall, the 27 year old, reluctant adult, that I am.

I cared when I missed a day of work and made less this week because of it. I cried, disappointed, when I slipped and fell down the front steps and lost a pot of thai coconut chicken soup, that I had made for the family I work for. Snow is much colder to me now and I didn't care so much for being outside, but rather, I enjoyed the snow from the inside.

There, it was cozy and warm. From the window I could see my little snow bear, with the pumpkin seed eyes, carrot nose, and chocolate covered raisin buttons. It was in the house that I would play. As a kid I would of never thought it exciting to spend the whole day in my socks. And in them, I enjoyed breakfast at noon. For that I was grateful.

I made oatmeal and stayed awhile.

Snow, or no snow, in the winter cozy up with a bowl of oatmeal. 

Read more for a taste of little Liza lou's...

serves 4 (you don't have to cook it all at once)

2 cups oats (not instant)
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup pecans, chopped

2 T. coconut oil, or butter
1 apple, chopped
1/2 t. pumpkin pie spice (or any of the following: cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice)
1 t. vanilla extract
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 t. salt
1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
drizzle heavy cream, or half and half
pat of butter
pumpkin seeds

Plan ahead, the night before, soak your oats in 1/2 cup of butter milk combined with chopped pecans. You can use yogurt instead. Leave in bowl covered on counter over night. This allows for better absorption of the nutrients and aids in digestion, also, cuts the cooking time in half, and expands the portion size of oats by twice the amount. Not to mention, once you have tried them soaked, you won't be as happy with out them soaked.

In the morning, if cooking for just yourself, pull out 1/2 cup soaked oats. If cooking for two, pull out 1 cup. Store the rest in the fridge for next day or later use. 

Saute chopped apples in coconut oil, or butter, in small pot on medium high heat for about 5 minutes. Add pumpkin pie spice, maple syrup, vanilla, and salt. Saute for a few more minutes, stirring constantly. It should smell pretty freaking good right about now.

Add soaked oats and pecan mixture to apples and just barely.cover with water. Add coconut shreds and stir. Once pot begins to boil cut heat down to low. Cover with a lid and let simmer for 15 minutes. (I set a timer.)

Once done, spoon into bowl(s), drizzle with cream and top with a pat of butter and sprinkle with as many pumpkin seeds as you like.

Look who else got cozy with oatmeal.



1 comment:

  1. Me and Hazen wanna come hang out!! I think i need some liver in my life! haha* Your the best person I know, so smart and talented and beautiful.... nelson is one lucky dog! XOXO
