Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Eating out


I am pulling a wildcard.  I was a bit bored with my last post.  Don't get me wrong; I am a big fan of the goat cheese log.  It is just that sometimes I burn out on cooking. It seems, at times, all I do is cook, and that is not the half of it.  Even though it brings me joy, the shopping, cooking, washing the dishes, even coming up with what to eat takes some serious effort.  It can really tire a girl out.  That is when I like to use the saying,
"Take me out of the oven, I am done."  It sounds less scary than "stick me with a fork".

And that is when I go out to eat.  For the most part. I still eat off my parents from time to time, which is very much appreciated and lucky I know.

Tonight I went out. As usual a lot went into play in deciding where to go.  When I get to choose, even last minute and hungry, I have a criteria search, and as a creature of habit, it usually goes like this:

-Is there something on the menu that will fill me up, and it isn't too expensive? (usually $10 0r less)
-Are there chicken wings on the menu? How is the ranch/blue cheese?
-I don't like a loud restaurant.
-I like a little quality in my food. Quality doesn't have to mean luxury.
-and number one. TASTE.
So tonight, I went out to eat. It was a different kind of exciting. I'm going to let my meal settle and let a good night's sleep sink in before I brag about it.

If you love burgers (please don't tell me if you don't),  tune in tomorrow!

Goodnight Friends.

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