Friday, January 22, 2010

Make a wish on coconut ice cream

Only little liza lou would think of making ice cream in her hat and scarf, while a wintry mix swirls around us. 

Ice cream is a year round food, not only appreciated in the summertime, but even when it is 38 degrees out. My friend Phuc and I share a common love for the cold creamy treat.  And for an ice cream lover such as myself, he is the ultimate neighbor. I cannot count the times, good day or bad, he has poked his head inside the apartment, or sent a text with a smiley face, saying, "Come have some ice cream Liza :)". He usually has not one, but six Ciao bella ice cream flavors in his freezer, and our favorite flavor is Coconut.

Coconut, coconut, coconut. It is not just the ice cream, I can't get enough of everything coconut. It started when I was a little girl and discovered the Mounds candy bar. And now, all grown up, I use it anyway that I can. I cook with the oil, always sauteing onions with it. I used it to nourish my hair once, and when I read the jar and it said to "massage into scalp, then rinse", I came to work with what I thought was wet hair, that never dried! The baker still laughs about it. I also put coconut flakes in my oatmeal and granola. And when I want to feel 100x better, I splurge for a coconut water, which is high in electrolytes. (If you go out and get drunk, next day, drink coconut water, and then you can thank me.) 

Coconut is incredibly good for you, especially this time of year. It boosts the immune system and it has anti-viral properties, so when everyone else freaked out and got the flu shot, I just ate more coconut. Haven't been sick yet. It has a long list of health benefits, just waiting for you to discover.

So even though it was raining and cold yesterday, I felt real pumped when running in and out of the grocery store with my bag full of just about every version of the coconut. For it was Phuc's birthday, and I couldn't think of a better present for him to add to his freezer collection, than homemade coconut ice cream.

To see recipe for Phuc's birthday present, click read more below.  And if you don't have an ice cream maker, you are more than welcome to borrow mine!


1 young coconut, directions to open (of course, I just improvised!), drain water to drink, and carefully scrape meat off the sides and chop by hand or in food processor
2 cans coconut milk, not the light kind
1/2 cup agave nectar, or to taste (yep,better for you than sugar)
1/4 t. kosher salt
1/2 t. peppermint extract
*2 T. coconut butter, warmed in microwave for 30 seconds for better mixing
1/2 cup fine chopped coconut flakes, toasted
2 oz. good dark chocolate, finely chopped
1 ten pound bag of ice
ice cream salt
and an ice cream maker

*optional, just makes it even more yum and nutritious


First, preheat oven to 300 degrees and toast coconut for about 20 minutes or until lightly golden. You should know they are done because they should smell very good. (Little Liza lou did not use a timer and burnt the heck out of it.) When toasted, transfer to a plate and allow to cool.


Meanwhile, in a large bowl, add coconut meat, coconut milk, agave nectar, salt, peppermint extract, and coconut butter. With whisk or hand mixer, mix well, till nice and smooth.  Now, stir in the coconut flakes and finely chopped chocolate.

Now, you are ready! Make according to ice cream maker instructions. When finished, transfer to tupperware, and allow to set in freezor for at least two hours before you serve.

love, Liza lou


  1. Great post LLL. I'm right there with ya. Someone brought a bunch of little coconut meringue things into the office last week, and I couldn't stop eating 'em.

  2. Your comment made me smile real big and salivate just a little!
