Sunday, January 3, 2010

Have a butter year

This year, resolute to eat more butter.

I had been at the beach for new year's weekend and there I spent quite a bit of time thinking about what my first post would be. On New Year's Day, it hit me. I spread it on my corn bread and ate it in between collard bites. Butter. Plain and simple. It will be there for me this year and always.

Usually, I am a happy go lucky person. But as 2009 came to an end, I started freaking out. All I could think about was my future. What's going to happen? Career-wise? Relationship-wise? With out realizing it, I was stressin big time.  Do you know what stressing out does for you? Nothing but trouble.

I don't know what to expect in 2010. I do know, however, every morning that I open my fridge, there in the top of the side door will be butter, sitting calm and waiting. It will be there for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Butter. It will be there for when ever I need it.

Leggings made a comeback last year, this year it is butter's turn to churn!
If you are afraid of butter and you think it will make you fat, think again.  Instead think it is natural and your body will process it naturally. You shake your head no, but you secretly want it because your body needs it!

I am not afraid of butter and I thought the perfect way to start off my year would be to make it. So, friends, I made butter.

Every time I use it.  I will be reminded that I and what ever I am making will be so much better...with butter.

To see recipe, click read more. and don't feel guilty.

All you need to make butter is 2 cups heavy cream, a pinch of salt, a strainer, a mixer, a cute jar (or tupperware) and about 10 minutes. No churning involved.

Let cream sit on counter for about 30 minutes (ripens the taste), and then pour into large mixing bowl. Add a small pinch of salt. Cover mixer with towel or you will have cream splatters all over you and kitchen. I did.
Mix on high, or use hand mixer on high,  for about 3 minutes or until it is whipped past the point of whipped cream.  It is no longer smooth and fluffy, but thick.  Keep mixing and it will separate.  Leaving you with butter and a liquid, which happens to be buttermilk. Scrape into strainer and lightly rinse with water to remove all the butter liquid.  Cover with a paper towel to sop up any excess water and transfer to container.

My favorite heavy cream comes from Maple View Creamery close to Chapel Hill.
Shake it first and be sure when you remove the lid you use your finger to scoop our the cream stuck to the top of the lid and lick it clean! They have milk and cream in Whole Foods, and the milk comes in glass jars. )

1 comment:

  1. much more than a condiment. It's simple and sophisticated. It's creamy, dreamy style will outlive all trends. It is, quite literally, the glue that holds so many of life's pleasures together - cornbread, of course, being top of the list! "All the butter to eat you with, my dear!" Thanks for the creative post, Liza!
